开公司外汇账户需要提交的资料 进口外汇退款协议英文版


英语翻译 Payment management approachTo standardize the management of the company payments,special formulation of these measures.One,the norms of payment methods including payment of the purchase price(including taxes,the same below),sales refund,and pay the cost,not including the\"claims management approach\"provides reimbursement payments and fixed assets,the purchase of Low-Value Consumable Articles approval.2,approving payment of the purchase priceOne,the purchase price paid by the department for approval under the purchase contract(agreement)loss\"payment for single\"(one-third),and will complete the project added.2,import,domestic trade business approval:A department by the applicants and responsible departments signed by the Finance Action audit and finance manager after signing any single payment in the following two million yuan by the departments in charge of leading applications for approval;Single payment in the amount of than 2 million yuan(200 million)approval by the company。

贸易出口业务,客户美金打入公司账户1年多了,没有出货也没有要求退款,现外汇局核查需要提供不退款协议 协商的价格上涨,现急需该资料,有说提供什么资料吗那现在的问题是跟客户协商好了吗还是客户那边反映什么问题还是说不知道不退款协议怎么弄

外汇退款 把你收款以及结汇时的所有银行回单,以及合同发票一起提供给银行。再写一份情况说明。如果你公司没有在外汇管理局的涉外收入申报系统中作过申报操作的话,只要上述资料就。


