英语翻译 A mother meets an old friend selling cherry when shopping with her son.The man let the kid grap a handful of cherries but the kid doesn't.Don't you like cherry?asks the man.Yes.\"the kid replys.And then,the man grabs a handful of cherries into the kid's pocket.On the way home,mother asks:\"Why didn't you accept the uncle's cherries?Cause his arm is bigger than mine。the kid replys.
少儿英语学校现在好多啊,我也想给小孩报一个。不知道哪家好点 别跟幼儿园一样 领着孩子玩。 北京这里很多啊 具体看你住在哪了。我知道昌平有一家马承英语学校就 不错,报名的也多!你可以去了解下啊
周末的时候领孩子去参加了一个少儿英语讲座,其间提出了一个名词,叫“浸入式学习”,有没有达人给解答! 我觉得学英语除了天分,就是多看多读多听多写多练,那些什么这样方法那样方法,学不好都是花把式,中听不中用