把下列各句译成英文 she looks very young according to her ageit is getting drak,let's go homehe looks busywhat makes her sad?my grandmother's hair turns whitejohn became a good studentmy brother became a soldier in 1995i was sick when he cametom felt tired and hungry after the whole day workshe blushed when getting this good newshis answer seems rightdont drink this milk for it gets sourdont make noise and keep quietwe should be modest and careful foreverit sounds a good ideaour nathion is getting stronger and strongerfootball is my favorite sportit appears a good daywhere should we gothis soup smells nice
把下面句子翻译成英文 1 These days,the weather became very hot2 of this fruit,(tastes)good taste3 room before the smell of flowers is Shannon4 short winter day,night long5 This report sounds very in.
请将下一段文字翻译成英文..不要太难。不要用某些在线翻译工具。。。 So,this is the difference between sensibility and logos.But,this difference has been blurred with the development of science.More and Chinese pay attention to the sanitation and nutrition of food but not its' color,savory and taste,especially after the disaster of SARS.And,because of the and busy work,people feel it is troblesome to make a Chinese meal,they think a hamburger may be convenient.So the difference may not be so clear.Then,what would it to be?Frankly speaking,what to eat and how,it is closely linked to our lives.