你想要什么.”那这句翻译成英文啊. Thanks and what do you want?如果是问要不要吃什么东西的话,就说what do you want to have?
你想要什么英语怎么说? What do you want?What would you like?(委婉5261说法)What can I do for you?(我4102能帮你1653什专么属?Can I help you?(我能帮你什么?
你想干什么怎么翻译 what do you want to do?
你想要什么.”那这句翻译成英文啊. Thanks and what do you want?如果是问要不要吃什么东西的话,就说what do you want to have?
你想要什么英语怎么说? What do you want?What would you like?(委婉5261说法)What can I do for you?(我4102能帮你1653什专么属?Can I help you?(我能帮你什么?
你想干什么怎么翻译 what do you want to do?