有一次一天就要记住七十多个单词,怎么记? 赢在单词一书中指出:如何理解“记忆单词最科学、合理、有效、快速、实用的方法即探源法”这句话?\\x05答:也许许多人会对这个书名提出疑问,这本书有那么好吗?用那五个词来形容探源法是不是有些夸张?你的方法有英语国家权威专业人士编著的有关词汇学学习丛书中所讲的方法科学吗?你的探源法所探源的东西有词源词典编著的合理吗?你的探源法有我把世界最顶级的词汇记忆大师聚在一块专门教我一人更有效吗?你的方法在快有人家一个月倒背如流《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》那位朋友快吗?你的方法在实用有我到国外零距离学习英语词汇更实用吗?我的回答是:是,没有。我所用的五个词是把它们作为一个整体来形容探源法的,单独拿出来一个词肯定都有它的弊端,但是能把这五个词权衡其利弊后,共同来形容一种方法,探源法无疑是目前能找到的最好的记忆单词的方法.所以,我希望亲爱的读者朋友们,能抽出宝贵的时间,亲自去《淘宝网》或新华书店看看《赢在单词》一书,学习学习“探源法”,相信你有很大收获.
大学英语,一次难忘的经历100字,高级词汇 An Unforgettable ExperienceThis summer holiday,I went to Dalian with my family.We got there by air.Dalian is a very beautiful andmodern city.On the bus,we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.In the morning,we got to the hotel wherewe lived.After breakfast,we began to our travel.First we took the bus to theSea Park.There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believemy eyes.We also saw the show of dolphins.Then we had lunch in a restaurant.The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.In this trip,we also went to some placeswhich were interesting and famous in Dalian,went shopping and so on.
一次又一次多次重复是什么词语 翻来覆去、周而复始