英语翻译 慢点走 这样我才能跟得上你翻译


英语翻译 I used to be with you every day,I can not imagine what I will do and what my life will be if you leave me.I pray to the God every day in order to let the time slow down a bit,so I can have tim.

<请你说慢一点,我英语不是很好, >用英语怎么翻译? “请你说慢一62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431353863点,我英语不是很好”的英文翻译可以说:Please speak slowly.My is not very good.重点词汇1、慢一点slower;Slow down;Slow down a bit2、英语English3、不是fault;blame扩展资料:提高英语口语的方法一、模仿。怎样提高自己英语口语的有效方式第一步就是要学会模仿,找一些英文原版录音的材料进行对单词、短语、句子等的模仿,也可以找一些英文原版的电影跟着有声有色的模仿,力求自己的语音语调甚至神情语气力求神似。二、朗读。怎样提高自己英语口语口语能力的第二步是大声朗读。朗诵其实也相当于是模仿,所也需要自己去找到适合自己的有声素材去进行模仿语音语调。在进行朗读模仿时,要学会听自己的发音和资料中的有什么地方不同,反复去练习纠正。三、复述。复述不是背诵,复述是通过自己的语言将你所听到的故事或者所看到的文章描述出来,在摆脱原文文本和组织结构,用自己的理解和思考将故事的内容讲出。四,背诵。背诵不管怎样都是提高自己英语口语的有效方法,尽管很多人很讨厌背诵,背诵已写名篇诗歌短文是很有必要的。基础较差的人可以先试着背诵一些短语和句型。第五,写。

英语翻译 He wants to make an appointment with a doctor today.He's got the flu2 this morning,he was late for work.Because he got up late,and the bus to go slowly.3 what time you met TOM?Two hours ago.4 what time do you greet her?Half an hour ago,I met her in the street.5 I want to buy a car like this.Do you have some?6 you want to climb the mountain with us?We are going to climb the mountaintomorrow.PS:the complete translation.According to the serial number,don'thave a translator,that are not allowed.望你能采纳我的问题啊

#慢点走 这样我才能跟得上你翻译

