著名公司的英语小故事 请问一个非常有名的英文故事名字


一个著名的英语故事 The Picture of Dorian Graya young man named Dorian Gray,the subject of a painting by artist Basil Hallward.Basil is greatly impressed by Dorian's physical beauty and becomes strongly infatuated with h.

急求一个关于著名人士的英文介绍或者小故事,可以在三分钟之内讲完的。谢谢。科学家或者作家都可以。 女作家(三毛)Echo Chan 参考了:)~三毛是浙江省定海县人,出生于重庆,幼年跟着父母迁到台湾。1964年获张其昀特许,入中国文化大学哲学系,课业成绩优异。1967年赴马德里文哲学院留学。1971年回国在文化大学任教。Sanmao(三毛)literally\"three hairs\"was the penname of the popular Taiwanese author Chen Ping(March 3,1943-January 4,1991).In also known as Echo or Echo Chan.Sanmao's books mainly deals with her own experiences from studying and living abroad.They were immensely popular in Taiwan and Mainland China,and her suicide in a hospital came as a chock to many of her readers.From 1976 to the time of her death,Sanmao published than 20 books.

故事名和简介(要英文) The Woodman and the SerpentOne wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow.When he came closer he saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead.But he took it up and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home.As soon as he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the fire.The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life again.Then one of them stooped down to stroke it,but thc Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death.So the Woodman seized his axe,and with one stroke cut the Serpent in two.\"Ah,\"said he,No gratitude from the wicked.农夫与蛇冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里.蛇温暖后,苏醒了过来,恢复了它的本性,咬了它的恩人一口,使他受到了致命的伤害.农夫临死前说:“我该死,我怜悯恶人,应该受恶报.”

