主要指标 英文 主要技术指标指的是什么呢?


英语翻译 Housing vacancy rate is a reflection of the real estate market,an important indicator of supply and demand,and an barometerre flecting specific regional housing production and the purchasing power of.

英语翻译 The industrial structure is the measure of a country's economic development one of the important indicators of the situation of a country's industrial structure is reasonable or not,this will be a way to reflect the country's economic performance.This research is starting from the industrial structure through analysis of the evolution of China's industrial structure,with the rest of the world experience and the evolution of the industrial structure of the current international economic development trends are,to our future industrial restructuring and development of some rationalization.The article is the first part of the structure and evolution of the theory of evolution as outlined in the world industrial structure,and academics made a lot of changes in the industrial structure of the study,summed up the changes in the industrial structure of the many theoretical basis.In an overview of the evolution of the industrial structure on the basis of the theory,concluding that the world of 。

英语翻译 Automobile brake is measured for the performance of a very important index,is driving an important guarantee of security personnel.The brake performance of good condition,it directly restricts the other properties of the play to the car.This paper first introduced the automobile brake system,the function of the brake system and principles are discussed.And then expounds the braking system function and brake performance evaluation method.The car brake mainly reflects in braking force,car braking force calculation is the scientific basis of brake performance and ensure the brake performance of an important step.This paper used the B spline function fitting and optimization of the new method,the automobile braking force be simulated and optimization,and the method is analyzed in theory.The analysis shows that by this?我用收费的翻译器帮你的。

#指标英文#支撑位指标是哪个英文字母#股票英文指标的含义#主要指标 英文#主要指标里的指标所有的解释

