动物保护和食物之间是相互违背的吗 野生生物保护是指什么时候


求关于保护野生动物的英语对话,要求两个人分别代表两种动物,时间2分钟左右,紧急。 Why shall we protect wildlife?Because protect wildlife is protection our human beings,it is for the interests and development of mankind.Regardless of human beings,animals,and plants,all living things live in an organic unity of the ecosystem.An ecosystem is like our nest,our green home,our Noah’s Ark.Without the protection of wildlife,this ecosystem unity would also not be protected,and our human home would be threatened.For example,when human invented pesticide,which seemed to be an achievement of protecting human being.However,from the view point of ecosystem,it started an era of environment pollution,which not only is harming animals,plants,and the ecosystems,it also destroyed the home of human beings.So actually,it is harming our human beings.However,due to the deterioration of the environment,over-hunting and poaching by human beings,the existence of various wildlife is facing all kinds of threats.In the past 100 years,species extinctions caused by human beings have exceeded 。

动物保护和食物之间是相互违背的吗 我们吃动物,从某种意义上讲也是食物链.但人类有思想,知道不能破坏生态平衡,所以保护珍惜动物.我们所吃的,是数量极广、吃了还会有的.

保护野生生物的意义是什么? 保护生物的多样性啊,保持物种之间的平衡啊。如果任其一样一样的灭绝,世界单调得只有人那多可怕,当然这是很极端的例子。

