电影已经结束五分钟了英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.Please hang this drawing on the wall.Please take the drawing off the wal.2.Please put this nail on the wall.Please pull the nail out of the wall.3.Please glue the photo on the wall.4.The film has just started when we got there.The film has just finished when we got there.5.Please staple these sheets of paper.6.The film has started ten minutes before we got there.The file has finished ten minutes before we got there.

电影五点半结束用英语怎么讲? The moive will end at half past five.

英语翻译 Midterm is over for some time,but also opened the period of each year summary of the General Assembly.Many students through the correct way of learning and hard work have made progress,and greater enthusiasm into a new round of learning;but around there are some students did not achieve their expectations of achievement,it becomes a bit disheartened,and even began to doubt myself.So today,we want to say:Just like people can not do without,like his shadow,that success has not always thrown open failed,despite every effort to get rid of failure continues to plague everyone.However,for us-a group of energetic students,the failure is the success of late.Once again,a reminder Edison who said he invented the battery savings,the total failure of the twenty-five thousand times,but the great inventor but he answered:\\u0026quot;No,I did not fail,I found twenty-four thousand thousand nine hundred ninety-nine of the reasons for saving the battery does not work.\\u0026quot;Edison in his lifetime,。


