早晨8点到北京,一直到下午2点才走,去哪儿玩一玩呢? 去故宫看看 之后去王府井转转 如果你喜欢购物就去西单 接着去鸟巢
1明天早上8点出发2到北京后登长城购物等3将在北京呆5天,根据以上要求写60到80字英语作文,大侠们, hi,everyone.our class has already decided our travel plan this morning.now i will announce our travel plan to all of you.if you are interest,please contact our monitor.1 tomorrow morning at 8,we plan to departure to beijing.2 after we arrive in beijing,we owill rganize some activities,including climbing the Great Wall and going shopping.3 we plan to stay in beijing for 5 days.so you need to pay attention to the weather change in beijing and do some preparation before departure.
北京有什么好玩的地方,适合一天之内玩的(大概早上10点多到,晚上8点前回) 以去798或者鼓楼那边转转,南楼鼓巷也离那里不远,中午吃个饭(鼓楼那边有北京小吃街)然后就直接坐地铁去东直门办事吧,5点办完事可以去西单转转,如果你不喜欢购物就在。