英语翻译 1.Tom plays softball every afternoon Tom does not play softball every afternoon Does Tom play softball every afternoon?2.We speak Chinese We do not speak Chinese Do we speak Chinese?3.We speak Man.英语翻译 1 The unemployment rate has a tendency to rise in winter.2 After my frequent requests,Dad finally agreed to go with me to Australia.3 He sold the old store and bought a new one to make money.用英语翻译下列句子:直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。我会尽力帮助你。整天在办公室的人应该。 1.He didn't feel his father's love truely until he grow up.2.I will try my best to help you.3.People who stay in the office all days should take active part in sports.字数限制,想知道可以私聊~英语翻译 I've been to BeijingHe has never been to BangkokThey have collated the suitcase they did.No,not yetMy parents have been living in Shanghai for 30 yearsHe has bought a book.They plan to be in Los Angeles two weeksDo you plan to do tomorrow to play basketballWhat do you plan next weekMy dad will go to Tokyo when Two days laterThe suitcase I have enough place to put your clothes and scarves.将下列句子翻译成英语 答案:解析:1.It’s no good for children to become addicted to computers.2.In order to support the children the father often works late into night.3.He is still in danger although the doctors have operated on him.4.It’s a crime to waste money like that.5.Two days later I received a letter offering me the job.请将下列句子翻译成英文 1 When it is necessary to turn off her music,her father rushed into her room,shouted at her:\"Are you not be able to music clearance smaller?2 The bar owner has been watching the girls dance on the.将下列句子翻成英文 用双宾语的结构Yesterday my dad bought me a book/My dad bought a book for me yesterdayIt will make a dress for me/It will make me a dressXiaowang has given that book to me/Xiaowang has given me that bookThe news makes her happy/The news cheer her upI find my book on my table/My book is found to be on my tableHe sang well on the party last night/He sang a good song on the party last night把下列句子翻译成英语,求英语高手解答~在线等~~急求。悬赏。 1.Most people is afraid of snakes.2.My father is excited about my success.3.Our teacher said that he would be proud of us.
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