和老外交流的简单口语短句 与外国人交流语际


大家给我一些与外国人交流的简单的英语句子~ 一百个句型1.I’m an office worker.我是上班族。2.I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。3.I’m happy to meet you.很高兴62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333231393065见到你。4.I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。5.I’m glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。6.I’ll call you.我会打电话给你。7.I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.我想睡、散步。8.I want something to eat.我想吃点东西。9.I need your help.我需要你的帮助。10.I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和你谈一下。11.I have a lot of problems.我有很多问题。12.I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想成真。13.I’m looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你。14.I’m supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.我应该节食‘涨工资。15.I heard that you’re getting married.Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!16.I see what your mean.我了解你的意思。17.I can’t do this.我不能这么做。18.Let me explain why I was late.让我解释迟到的理由。19.Let’s have a beer or something.咱们喝点啤酒什么的。20.Where is your office?。

谁给一份与老外说英语交流简单问候语和提问语稿子,写出英语和中文 什么时候来深圳?When did you arrive in ShenZhen?来自哪里?Where are you from?做什么的?What do you do as your job?Are you a docter/lawyer/teacher(etc.)?开头可以讲:Hi。How are you?I am_名字_.What's your name?I am a_职业(高中学 high school student,大学生 university/college student,老师 teacher,等等 etc.)_怎么会来中国?What brought you to China?国家_是什么样的?What is it like in_country_你觉得中国/深圳怎么样?What do you think of China/ShenZhen 你现在这里看什么景点?What do you want to see here?我们这里有_e.g.莲花山公园_我建议你去看看。There is a Lily Mountain Park in ShenZhen,I suggest you make a stop there sometime.你喜欢中国的饭吗?Do you like the food in China?你在那边吃什么?What do you eat in your country?常用语:不好意思、对不起 excuse me 请重覆 pardon me 等一下 hold on for one moment 我马上回来 I will be right back 希望还来得及,也希望我帮得上忙。还想说什么可以追问。请采纳!



