比尔格里尔斯 帮忙翻译下这段英文,是《荒野求生》的介绍,急用,谢谢


贝尔格里尔斯的简介 全名:Edward Michael Grylls 爱德华·迈克尔·格里尔斯 他曾服役于21SAS,21SAS指的是第21空降特勤团,擅长于近距离目32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333332643338标侦察和攻击。1996年,他还在21 SAS服役的时候,在南非沙漠中进行的一次常规降落伞训练中他的降落伞伞衣严重撕裂,在5000英尺高空以两倍于正常降速螺旋坠向地面,断了3根椎骨,双腿失去知觉。接下来他花了一年时间用于恢复,结束了军队生涯之后,他努力康复,去实现童年的梦想—攀登珠峰!虽然他不在特种部队服役,但英国皇家海军后备队授予他荣誉海军少校军衔。1997年他成为英国登顶Ama Dablam(夏尔巴语里是“母亲和珍珠项链”的意思,阿玛达布朗峰)的最年轻者,这座海拔6812米的山峰曾被登山家埃德蒙·希拉里Sir Edmund Hillary称为是“无法攀登的”。在登珠峰之前,贝尔已经是一个空手道黑段,曾在英国第21空降特勤团的特种兵部队服役了三年,在背部的伤复原之后,他决定完成他儿时的梦想:登上珠峰,这个世界上最高的山峰。在珠峰,每年的死亡人数都会增加,到达峰顶的十个登山者中就有一个会死去。英国只有大约三十分之一的攀登者能够成功的攀登珠峰并且活着回来。1998年5月26。

帮忙翻译下这段英文,是《荒野求生》的介绍,急用,谢谢 Man vs.Wild also called Born Survivor:Bear Grylls,Ultimate Survival,Survival Game,or colloquially as simply Bear Grylls in the United Kingdom,is a survival television series hosted by Bear Grylls on the Discovery Channel.In the United Kingdom,the series was originally shown on Channel 4,but later series were broadcast on Discovery Channel UK.The series was produced by British television production company Diverse Bristol.The show was first broadcast on 10 November 2006 after airing a pilot episode titled\"The Rockies\"on 10 March 2006.In a special first aired on 2 June 2009,Will Ferrell joined Grylls on a survival trip to Northern Sweden.Grylls also said he has been approached about doing a Man vs.Wild urban disaster 3-D feature film,an idea he said he would\"really like to do.\"Ben Stiller also signed on for an episode later in the year.Grylls signed on to showcase urban survival techniques in a new Discovery show called Worst-Case Scenario,which premiered on 5 May 2010 on the 。


