水仙子 a小水仙儿


药学问题:秋水仙碱、秋水仙素,有什么差别? 秋水仙素就是秋水仙碱,是同一种物质的不同称谓而已。秋水仙碱,一种生物碱,因最初从百合科植物秋水仙中提取出来,故名,也称秋水仙素。

求水仙花的来历英文版,谢谢谢谢 One day when Narcissus was out hunting stags,Echo stealthily followed the handsome youth through the woods,longing to address him but unable to speak first.When Narcissus finally heard footsteps and shouted\"Who's there?Echo answered\"Who's there?And so it went,until finally Echo showed herself and rushed to embrace the lovely youth.He pulled away from the nymph and vainly told her to leave him alone.Narcissus left Echo heartbroken and she spent the rest of her life in lonely glens,pining away for the love she never knew,until only her voice remained.Nemesis heard this prayer and sent Narcissus his punishment.He came across a deep pool in a forest,from which he took a drink.As he did,he saw his reflection for the first time in his life and fell in love with the beautiful boy he was looking at,not realizing it was himself.Eventually,after pining away for a while,he realized that the image he saw in the pool was a reflection of himself.Realizing that he could not act upon this。

秋水仙素是干什么的 秋水仙素(C22H25O6N),是从百合科植物秋水仙的种子和球茎中提取出来的一种植物碱。它是白色或淡黄色的粉末或针状结晶,易溶于冷水、酒精和氯仿,难溶于热水、乙醚等,。


