歌词:我们在北京住 我们在北京工作 外国朋友外地人 请你们来北京生活 歌曲名字叫什么 谁唱的 歌手:郝爽 歌名:代表北京http://www.wodemp3.com/song/213059/没有歌词,但是这首歌,请楼主采纳
北京古代到底叫什么名字? 北京作为2113城市的历史可以追溯到3,000年前。秦5261汉以来,北京地区一直是华4102夏民族北方的军事和商业重镇,1653名称先后称为蓟城、燕都、燕京、大都、北平、京师、顺天府等等。早在西周初年,周武王即封召公奭于今日北京及附近地区,称燕国,都城在今北京房山区的琉璃河镇,遗址尚存。又封尧之后人(一说黄帝后人)于蓟,在今北京西南西城区。后燕国灭蓟国[8],迁都于蓟,统称为燕都或燕京。秦代设北京为蓟县,为广阳郡郡治。汉太祖五年,今北京地被划入燕国辖地。元凤元年复为广阳郡蓟县,属幽州。本始元年因有帝亲分封于此,故更为广阳国首府。东汉光武改制时,置幽州刺史部于蓟县。永元八年复为广阳郡驻所。西晋时,朝廷改广阳郡为燕国,而幽州迁至范阳。十六国后赵时,幽州驻所迁回蓟县,燕国改设为燕郡,历经前燕、前秦、北燕、后燕和北魏的统治而不变。隋开皇三年废除燕郡。但很快在大业三年,隋朝改幽州为涿郡。唐武德年间,涿郡复称为幽州。贞观元年,幽州划归河北道监察区。后北京成为范阳节度使的驻地。安史之乱期间,杂胡安禄山在范阳(今日北京、保定附近)称帝,建国号为“大燕”。唐朝平乱后,复置幽州,归卢龙节度使节制。五代初期,军阀刘仁恭。
我的名字叫卫科,我住在北京.北京在中国北方.这是中国首都,是一个非常大的城市.如果你没有一个地图,你会迷路. My name is WeiKe,I live in Beijing.Beijing in north China.This is the capital of China,is a big city.If you don't have a map,you will get lost.The center is the Forbidden City in Beijing.Although the imperial palace is nearly 600 years old,but still is very beautiful.Emperor of qing dynasty used at living.While in 1925,instead of the museum.You will be building and beautiful clothes and furniture design attract,in the past is used by the emperor.The 紫禁城 is next to 天安门square.天安门 this word means the 天安门 gate.It is the biggest square in the world,there are often many tourists.Every day there are many tourists gathered here in the morning they watch raising the national flag.Local people like walking and there kite flying.In northwestern Beijing Summer Palace.This is the famous Chinese gardens.In the last emperor spent the summer.The Summer Palace consists mainly of a hill and a personal bridge-building,pagodas and lakes,all in this region.My favorite attractions is the 。