以自由英语翻译为目标,应该如何做准备呢? 做到目标价格 英文翻译


英语翻译 写给三年后的自己A letter to Myself in three years' time亲爱的自己,你现在还好吗?Dear me,How are things with you?今年已经24了,如果还没有结婚的话,你现在有没有着急?亲人及朋友有没有催促你,给你一些外界的压力?You're 24 years old thisyear.Say you remain unmarried,are you still taking all the time youneed to search for your Mr.Right?Have you been urged insistently byyour folks and friends to\"tie the knot?Do you feel any pressure fromthem?你现在有了明确的目标及人生观和价值观了吗?并且为之在努力实践及拼搏了吗?Have youdeveloped a clear-cut view of life and values,and set for yourselfspecific goals,for which you've been trying and struggling?你现在遇事有自己的主见和立场了吗?The moment you are up against a situation,will you be able to make your own judgement and hold onto it?你现在能否面对任何事情都不要抱怨,首先自省,并且勇于接受和乐观积极的面对吗?Canyou face up to whatever happens in life without a murmur?Will you takethe initiative to first examine yourself then\"grin and bear it\"with a。

英语翻译 王梦琪1234 你好New Year in。in the new year,I have a new goal1I will study chinese and better2I will get up at 7 in the morning every day3I will play the accordion for half an hour every daythis is my new goal in the new year all is newI will put my effort into it祝你新年快乐

英语翻译 1(I)can arranage time and job sequence efficiently,Due to laking in experience,some unfamiliar aspects need to be improved.2(I)can listen the options from others to meet the aim of team work.And l would obey the arrangement from leader and finish the job in time.

#做到目标价格 英文翻译#目标价格英文翻译#达到目标英文翻译#可以给自己定一个目标英文翻译#目标英文翻译

