英语翻译 生有时 死时时英语译文


英语翻译 【原文】乌有先生者,中山布衣也,年且七十,艺桑麻五谷以为生,不欲与俗人齿,毁誉不存乎心,人以达士目之.海阳亡是公,高士也,年七十有三矣,唯读书是务.朝廷数授以官,不拜,曰:\"边鄙野人,不足以充小吏.\"公素善先生,而相违期年未之见已,因亲赴中山访焉.二叟相见大悦.先生曰:\"公自遐方来,仆无以为敬,然敝庐颇蓄薄酿,每朔望则自酌,今者故人来,盖不饮诸\"于是相与酣饮,意快甚,不觉以酩酊矣.薄莫,先生酒释,而公犹僵卧,气息惙然,呼之不省,大惊,延邻医脉之.医曰:\"殆矣。微司命,孰能生之 愚无所用其计矣.\"先生靡计不施,迄无效,益恐,与老妻计曰:\"故人过我而死焉,无乃不可乎。雅闻百里外山中有子虚长者,世操医术,人咸以今之仓,鹊称之.诚能速之来,则庶几白骨可肉矣.唯路险家无可遣者,奈之何。老妻曰:\"虽然,终当有以活之.妾谓坐视故人死,是倍义尔,窃为君不取也,夫败义以负友,君子之所耻,孰若冒死以救之\"先生然之,曰:\"卿言甚副吾意,苟能活之,何爱此身 脱有祸,固当不辞也.\"遂属老妻护公,而躬自策驴夜驰之山中.时六月晦,手信而指弗见,窥步难行,至中夜,道未及半,未几密云蔽空,雷电交加.先生欲投村落辟焉,叩门而人皆弗之内,方踌躇间,雨暴至.旋忆及曩昔尝过此,村外有一兰若.遂借电光见得之,入其门,观其。

英语翻译 I like reading as books provide lots of fun for me-be it joy,anger,sadness or happiness could lead me blissful feeling.My favorite one is philosophical related books.We notice that our mother nature evolves so does the society in which we are facing it.At times,we feel like we are heading deep into a forest,heavy clouds cover our view,we lost our way,we couldn't nevigate the way?What we need is to have lighthouse to show the way ahead of us with intellectual thought.Philosophy is about wisdom,she makes us better in life.Karl Marx said that philosophy is a comtemporary wisdom,it is the walking cultural soul.From philosophical features,it shows us how to review this world in macro world,it is all about our life and the universe;How/what knowlege and rules means to us;How individual and the society gel in-oneself and the rest of the people.From here,we could say that philosophy teaches us the arts that we can live better,it is mental mean for us to understand the world as well as to 。


#生有时 死时时英语译文

