“能带给人快乐和温暖”英语句子翻译 快乐和温暖的英文


家人带给我温暖和快乐用英语 My family bring me with warmth and happyness。

英语翻译 我在与家人的相处中,感受到了温暖、幸福和关爱.也明白了爱是要在一定的环境下产生的.本文介绍了三个方面,第一,爱需要时间.我们用通过长时间的接触去认识一个人,欣赏相互间的差异,分享彼此的快乐和痛苦.第二,爱需要放手的能力.不能紧紧的把爱困在身边,要有适当的空间和距离.第三,爱需要语言来实现,我们要善于表达自己的感情.爱是一生的探索,唯有耐心和理解才能得到爱.I feel the warmth,happiness as well as care during my getting along with my families,and also understand love is a result of specific environment.This article is trying to give details in below 3 points:First,love requires time.We need spend long time to get into one another,appreciate the diversity and share mutual happiness as well as sorrow.Second,love requires the capability of letting go.Never try to tie it down around you,be smart to leave proper space and distance.Third,love is born in talk.we need make ourself an expert to express the feelings deep inside.Love is something requiring a lifelong exploration,and only patience and 。

‘我生活在一个快乐温暖幸福的家庭’英文怎么写 live in a happy and warm familylive in a happy family with my father and mother.we are all very busy all the day except after dinner.We have the same habit:having a walk.we always walk slowly and chat with each otherAs father often say:“After dinner is my happiest time.And only then I feel I am the happiest person all over the world.”Yes,by walking not only can we relax ourselves,but also can have a good body。译文:我生活在一个快乐温暖幸福的家庭我和我的 爸爸 妈妈生活得非常愉快.我们家是其乐融融.我们每天都非常忙,除了晚饭后.我们都有一个共同的爱好:散步.我们经常边走边说.就像我爸爸说的:晚饭后的时间是我最快乐的时侯,只有在这个时候我感觉到我是世界上最快乐的人.是的,散步不但可以放松自己,还可以锻炼身体.


