韩版三只小熊语音版 求音乐:英语版三只小熊


金凤花和三只小熊 Goldilocks and the Three BearsPapa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.“Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,”said Auntie Bear.“Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear.She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear’s house.A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.She discovered the Bears’house and went insideWithout asking.She sat in a chair.“This chair is too hard。she complained.The next chair was smaller,but too soft.The third chair was just right.She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.The big bowl was much too hot。“Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said.Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down.It was just right.Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom.Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard.The next was too soft.Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she waslying 。

续写金凤花与三只小熊的故事 故事:金凤花与三只小2113熊5261从前,有三只小熊在森林中的一座小房子4102里。他们是熊爸爸、熊妈1653妈和小熊宝宝。一天早上,熊妈妈熬了粥当早饭,分别盛到三个碗里。但是粥太烫了,还不能喝。熊爸爸说:“我们可以先去散步,等回来粥就好了。“于是他们去散林里散步。附近有一个淘气的女孩,名叫金凤花,因为她有一头长长的金发。那天早上,当金凤花经过三只小熊的家,她发现前门开着。她自言自语地说:“我到里面偷看一下。当金凤花看到粥时,淘气的她冲上去品尝。她说:“我还真饿了。但是熊爸爸大碗里的粥仍然很烫。熊妈妈中号碗里的粥还有点稠。最后,金凤花尝熊宝宝的粥,不烫也不凉,正好,她一下子喝了个精光。喝完粥,金凤花决定坐下来休息。但是熊爸爸的大椅子太高了。她又坐熊妈妈的中号椅子,她抱怨道:“这个椅子太硬了。最后她发现了熊宝宝的小椅子,这把椅子既不高,也不硬,刚刚好。金凤花坐在熊宝宝的椅子上,前后摇晃。但是她太重了,随着吱吱、喀嚓的声音,椅子裂成了碎片。砰,金凤花重重地摔在了地上。她愤愤地说:“受到这样的打击,我需要躺一会。于是,金凤花上了楼,她试了试熊爸爸的大床,床太硬了。她又试了试熊妈妈的床,太软了。。

故事:《金凤花和三只小熊》英文版 Goldilocks and the Three BearsPapa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.“Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,”said Auntie Bear.“Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear.She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear’s house.A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.She discovered the Bears’house and went insideWithout asking.She sat in a chair.“This chair is too hard。she complained.The next chair was smaller,but too soft.The third chair was just right.She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.The big bowl was much too hot。“Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said.Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down.It was just right.Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom.Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard.The next was too soft.Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she waslying 。


