一篇关于对电子书看法的英语小作文 ,100字就好 ,急 英文书阅读报告 100字


需要一篇英语书籍的读书笔记,100词即可。 yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada.in 1938 he came to china.at that time china was at war with japan.he worked as a doctor in the chinese army and saved many soldiers’lives.he worked very hard and became sick.dr bethune died in 1939.he was only 49 years old.he was a good man and we remember him today.i think the book is very very good。written by wu qingxiangmar.31XXhow to do researchreading after a science paper

一篇关于对电子书看法的英语小作文 ,100字就好 ,急 It has been a hot topic in recent years.E-book is becoming and popular.Some people even think that traditional book will replaced by E-book.E-book is useful and has almost changed our way of living.There are some adventage of E-book.E-books are much cheaper and convenient.As we know,they are much easier to take.Everything has two sides and E-book is not an exception.E-book has bad effect on people's eyes.And there are radiation which is harmful to people's body.In my opinion,E-book cannot take the place of traditional book,but it's an useful product.

安徒生故事书读书读后感(英语)100字 【安徒生童话】读后感当我一看见《安徒生童话》,便爱不释手的读了起来,顿时感到受益匪浅,也使我更加了解了安徒生这个人,他是一位诗人、哲学家、思想家和民族主义者,就是因为如此,他的童话才如此的引人入胜,好像身临其境一样。我看的是《狠毒的王子》,从那里,让我看到了人性的狂傲、放肆,这个王子目空一切,心狠手辣,使百姓们都恨怒他,但又都敢怒不敢言,让他们一听见他的名字都害怕。他曾经发过誓,他的愿望一定要实现,一定要征服一切。他的权势一天天大起来,他的所作所为倒都能得逞。他看着自己所拥有的一切,又瞅着自己的宏伟建筑,跟人们一起想:“真了不起!真了不起!但是我并不满足,我还要更多更多,别的任何势力都不能和我相比,更别想超过我!他向所有的邻国宣战,征服了全部邻邦。在他驾车经过街市的时候,他用金链子把被他征服的国王锁在他的车上;在他举行酒宴的时候,他们必须跪在他和朝臣的脚边,捡参加宴席的人扔给他们的面包屑。他从征服的城市掠走金银财宝,在他的王城中收敛起来的财宝,是任何别的地方都无法与之相比的。他令人修建起辉煌的宫堡,教堂和过廊。任何看到这些浩瀚工程的人都说:“好了不起的王子哟!他们不曾想到他给其他国家。

#英文书阅读报告 100字

