英语翻译!!! 武术服的英文


英语翻译!!! For long,Nike spends the strength to publicize the European and American pop culture with all one's heart,is must Nike with the personalization which and the free western-style cultural feature is subject to pursues holds unifies in together.But pays great attention in this today which the brand expends,China's latent consumer market is and huge,after the Chinese emerging middle class and 1980 is born the Cainozoic Era,Nike transmitted leading the pop culture element and expense idea at the same time also fused many Chinese tradition element.Therefore,says from the certain extent,Nike in Chinese market sale's continuing is the shoe and the movement product,is one cultural idea.He not only manifests the economical and the cultural mutual seepage,is international cultural and the native place culture fusion brightest example.Meanwhile other international brands in abundance have also promoted their Chinese element product,for instance Nike's old match Adidasi Peking 。

百变小樱用英语怎么说?? 英文名:カードキャプターさくら,Card 匿名用户 1级 英文名:カードキャプターさくら,Card Captor Sakura,英文简称CCS 木之本樱(きのもと さくら)(配音:日本:丹下。

哪有卖武术服的? 你到淘宝网上去看看,应该有的.还有你们那里有武术培训班或体育用品店里应该也有.


