回复客户不能做目标价格英文 客人说你的价格达不到他的目标价,怎么回?不需要我们下一步的工作拉。英语怎么回比较好?


国外客户嫌价格高 怎么回邮件(英文回复) 如果价格真的不能再低了.Dear,It's really very appreciated to receive your e-mail.But It's our best price because of Increasing of material price and labour pay,which make the cost go up.To maintain a quality assurance,our price is very reasonable and in the most favorable.We suggest that we can do some adjustment of part of material to meet your ideal price.Please kindly find the attached quotation which is available for your reference.Contact me if you have any questions.Best regards.

客户的价格低,我们用英语怎么回复他们呢 Dear Mr.Mohammed Al-Ashker,Thank you for your inquiry.We have very carefully read your description of the goods with pictures,these are indeed very popular Style,High-grade materials,perfect craftwork,high quality,fully in line with the high requirements of our factory productionstandards,We confirm that we can produce the products with the same quality orbetter quality,can also provide you with good service.Based on your request and our high quality products,you target price maybe striking contrast.You know,we are professional manufacturer,provide you with high quality wood products.would it be possible to verify the source of the target price again?Thanks and best regards,首先要强调你的产品的质量、性能,你的工厂经验丰富等各方面优势,再说类似一分钱一分货,告诉客户他的价格是不可能的。最后你可以酌情再降一点折扣给她。并且告诉他如果这次合作,在以后的合作中会给出更好的服务与折扣,形成一个长期稳定的合作对双方是双赢的。希望能对你有帮助,一定要采纳我哦!

请问老客户,报价后,客户给出了目标价,该怎么回复好?是什么 如果是大客户的话,在维持自己合理利润的情况下适当降一点,这样也有利于帮助客户在当地市场增加自己的竞争力


