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翻译成英文: 面对困难,我们要迎难而上,永不退缩。 面对困难,我们要迎难而上,永不退缩。In the face of difficulties,we must face difficulties and never shrink back.

华为海外宣传片歌词(中文) 歌曲:Dream It Possible专辑2113:Dream It Possible歌手:张靓颖词:5261Andy Love曲:Andy LoveI will run I will climb I will soar我奔跑 我登攀 我要展翅翱翔4102I'm undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord挣脱自1653我的桎梏 拨动琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信The past is everything we were don't make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你我So I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦成真 直到窥见漫天星光It's not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥舞双翅 追随阳光 找寻美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we'll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I'm breaking until I'm breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird。


