因为冰激凌和糖果很甜,所以我爱吃。用英语怎么表达 The The ice-cream and candy are sweet,so I like eating them.I like eating ice-cream and sweet because of their sweet taste.(冰淇淋和糖果是不可数名词) 。
因为糖吃起来很甜用英文说 Because candies taste sweet.
因为冰激凌和糖果很甜,所以我爱吃。用英语怎么表达 The The ice-cream and candy are sweet,so I like eating them.I like eating ice-cream and sweet because of their sweet taste.(冰淇淋和糖果是不可数名词) 。
因为糖吃起来很甜用英文说 Because candies taste sweet.