英语翻译 1.she is always well dressed.2.express(one)self 这个oneself就是说你可以用yourself,herself之类的,以表示表达(你/她.)自己英语翻译 1The well dressed employer hasn't got used to performing before customers.2.Simon found the work boring just at the begining.3 They doesn't have access to talk to their boss for lack of experience.4.英语翻译 1.他毫不犹豫地选择辞职.(quit)He quitted the job without hesitation2.他给经理留下了很深的第一印象.(impression)He left a deep first impression on the manager3.我不喜欢你对你父母说话的方式.(way)I don.穿着的英文是什么 穿着的英文有2113dress、attire、apparel,皆可作动词,可作名词。dress的读音为英52614102[dr?s];美[dr?s]、1653attire的读音为英[??t???];美[??ta?(?)r]、apparel的读音为英[??par(?)l];美[??p?r?l]。扩展资料:单词解析:一、dress1、读音:英[dr?s]美[dr?s]2、音译:v.穿衣;加工;处理;整备;制作;使排列整齐;装好n.连衣裙;服装3、例句:Graham showered and dressed quickly.格雷厄姆很快地洗了个淋浴并穿好衣服。二、attire1、读音:英[??t???]美[??ta?(?)r]2、音译:n.服装;盛装v.着装3、例句:the usually sober attire of British security service personnel.通常为暗色调的英国保安人员服装。三、apparel1、读音:英[??par(?)l]美[??p?r?l]2、音译:n.衣服v.给…穿衣3、例句:Apparel make the man.人靠衣装,佛靠金装。英语翻译 Use a firm handshake with good eye contact when meeting and leaving.Both French and areas use and expect a firm handshake.Men will wait for a woman to extend her hand for a handshake.French Canadians will shake hands frequently,even with a subsequent encounter the same day.Others may just nod or smile at a subsequent encounter on the same day.Use a person's title if he or she has one.Otherwise,use Mr.,Mrs.,Miss and the surname.is spoken in most of Canada.French is spoken in Quebec,and some area of Nova Scotia and New BrunswickFrench Canadians may use their first name when talking to you on the telephone,but will generally use their full name when meeting you in person.Be open and friendly in your conversation.If you are naturally reserved in your behavior,you will appear confident and credible.If your natural tendency is large sweeping arm gestures,restrain yourself when meeting and talking with Canadians-other than with French Canadians.French Canadians 我朋友爱穿时尚新颖的衣服!我要用英语怎么说呀?一定要用英语给一些建议呀?我要背下来呵!谢谢啦 My friends love to wear fashionable novel clothes!Your clothes are very nice.My friend loves wear style clothes!Wearing fashionable and smart clothes is my 请问英语中穿着暴露怎么说?overdress是穿着很讲究 ,它可不可以用来形容穿的非常性感、暴露? 请问英语中穿着暴露怎么说?overdress是穿着很讲究,它可不可以用来形容穿的非常性感、暴露?英语大佬来解惑 写回答 有奖励 共1个回答 湘乡郭 LV.8 2018-04-15 英语翻译 She is fashionable in dressing,but seldom pays attention to diet.The nurse told me that the doctor had cured your heart disease miraculously(wonderfully也可以).穿着讲究怎么翻译? 穿着讲究基本翻译exquisitely dressed网络释义穿着讲究:meticulously dressed|be dressed well穿着讲究:第一印象很重要:SHIRT她穿衣服很讲究用英语怎么写 她穿衣服很讲究这个句子用英语表达翻译为:She is very fastidious in her dress.
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