名人肩负重任的英语作文 英语作文


高分求一篇120个词的英语作文, A personality should be charged with responsibilitiesAs we all know,a personality attracts attentions among common peple.Therefore,his or her behaviors should be very careful to make sure that no bad affections are brought to the public.At the same time,he/she ought to be charged with responsibilities.For example,Jay is a very famous star in Asia.Several years ago,he expressed his discontentment and ditest to his fans in mainland through a media.His disrespect to people in mainland hurt them deeply and then he has been forced out in public for a long time.This also led many teenagers' anger towards Jay and stars from Hongkong and Taiwan.So it is obvious that a personality should take on responsibilities since he/she has such profound impact on common ones.我把挺大篇幅花在例子上了,不知道是否满意?

英语作文 名人肩负着更多的责任 As we all know,a person attracts attentions among common peple.Therefore,his or her behaviors should be very careful to make sure that no bad affections are brought to the public.At the same time.

责任心的英语作文Responsibility 责任,是一个很沉重的词,我们每个人都有自己的责任,下面就一起来看看关于关于责任Responsibility的高考英语作文吧 Responsibility Responsibility is a valuable quality。


