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英语作文用英语向john介绍太极拳100字 Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese internal martial art system,which combines profound principles,theories and martial art techniques.The slow,soft and continuously flowing movements appear mysterious on the surface.However,it is the cultivation of one's internal energy,mind and the physical body that make it so unique and challenging.To generate relaxation,Tai Chi practice requires a deep level of concentration and a focused mind,thus allowing the mind to lead and guide the body's energy.Tai Chi is not only a martial art,but has also been widely acknowledged as being an effective health exercise.Whether Tai Chi is practiced for health,as athletic sport or martial art it takes time,patience and qualitative practice to develop Tai Chi's internal properties.To achieve a high standard in Tai Chi training is a highly complex process.另外除了用 Tai Chi 表示太极拳,也可以用shadowboxing