请问那拉提大草原与伊犁大草原有什么关系? 那拉提大草原简介


那拉提大草原几月去旅游最好? 那拉提草原风景区已经形成成熟的景区勒!所以的东西都太人性化!我是伊犁专线导游!在那拉提能够玩的项目很多,zd但是.推荐:参加旅行社的团,去那拉提,那里很漂亮!尤其是六月如果能够自驾车旅游的话,最好去巴音布鲁克,这是两种风格完全不同的草原,如果你能到巴音布鲁克,一定不会后悔的!但是去版那拉提,我就不敢说这话咯!o(∩_∩)o.明白咯?两个都很美,巴音布鲁克更值得一游权!现在进去的路不通,明年如果可以,从南疆那边走!看到的会更美!在那拉提草原山庄,有专门的车队,可以带你翻天山进巴音布鲁克,但是,看不到多少大草原的风景的!

那拉提大草原是几级景区 那拉提草原风景区,位于伊犁州 新源县境内的那拉提草原是世界四大草原之一的亚高山草甸植物区,目前是国家4A级旅游风景区。近期规划中的那拉提草原风景区以哈萨克人的天山河谷草原为主题,重点打造“一山四景、夏牧流云、巩河听涛、胡杨秋韵”等十景名胜,并依托草原打造“草原观光、文化体验、生态度假”三大旅游品牌。通过规划,用两到三年时间将那拉提草原风景区建设成为国家5A级精品旅游区

那拉提草原英文简介 West when the legend of Genghis Khan,Mongolia has an army from the depths of the Tianshan moving to Ili,at a time of spring,the mountains are filled with snow,hunger and cold so grueling army,do not want to turn the mountains,flowers in front of it is a tapestry The vast grassland,spring clouds,flowing water features,as if into another world,when Yunkai sunrise,sunset such as blood,it is not the shouting\"那拉5261提41021653(there is the sun),那拉提\"then left the names.那拉提grassland development in section 3 are ancient alluvial layer Ji Zhongshan to pasture on the southeast then那拉提kaolinite,such as potential barriers along the Northwest River Valley kunas drop-off,large-area terrain tilt,spring clouds,streams China.Fate the foot deep gullies,rivers crisscrossing the dense forests,wilderness outreach ease ups and downs along the ditch松塔Qing-chu,毡房have little herd clouds moving kunas grasslands are an important summer pasture.那拉提Scenic Area is located in the new 。

