宫胁诗音 月光 这个女的是谁?


这个女的是谁? 工藤静香,宫川爱,宫地真绪高木正胜,高田梢枝,高田志麻,广濑香美,广末凉子,谷村有美,谷山浩子,宫崎羽衣,宫西希,宫胁诗音,古内东子,谷村奈南,高桥真梨子,高桥理奈,高桥美佳子,高桥瞳,高桥洋子,广重绫

论李寻欢为何被黑得这么惨? 标题党,其实是想驳斥知乎上的众多小李黑,看到对古龙小说第一可恨之人小李居然遥遥领先、实在无法忍,故…

宫胁诗音的《Bluff》 歌词 歌曲名:Bluff歌手:宫胁诗音专辑:BoyPilot Speed-BluffIt ain't kind and it ain't right,but when you wore away the shine what did you find.Still you would say you're not afraid,to lay down your bones on the bed you made.Someone made a sound,it turned you right round,I wasn't cold enough to care,but brother I daredSee it tear you up,and it calls your bluffWhen the lie that keeps you warm,is the truth you're counting onThere's a shadow in the sun,and it crawls along the path in whence you've come fromIt's not as clear as you had plannedFeel the sun go down,turn and make your standSomeone made a sound and it turned you right roundI wasn't cold enough to care,but brother I daredSee it tear you up,and it calls your bluffWhen the lie that keeps you warm,is the truth you're countingUp in the cloud,tell me sister are you coming downis the truth you're counting onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1343348

#宫胁诗音 月光

