求翻译~大体意思是这样的: 超期费是什么意思


求翻译~大体意思是这样的: From our email exchange,I compiled a list of all our business transactions,the yellow hightlighted ones are those that incurred demurrage charges.On this listing,I showed the shipment schedule,the date you provided shipping documents,the date I remit the balance payment and ultimately the wire release date for each of these transaction.Looking at these dates,we can clearly see that:1)there is usually a delay on your part for getting the shipping documents to me;2)upon receiving the documents,I have always arranged for the final remittance in a timely manner;and3)after the final payments were made,the wire releases also came rather late.Therefore,won't you agree that these demurrage charges should be absorbed by you?外贸英语,应该这样就能完整表达了.

黄金白银延期的超期费是什么意思?不是没时间限制的吗? 你说的超期费,实际上叫递延费没有时间限制说的是没有强制交割的时间限制。而持仓过夜(每天下午三点半)都会产生一次递延费递延费=当日结算价×递延费费率。不明之处请追问。或者一下:中国黄金延期网,找在线客服拼搏解答。希望能给你一个满意的解答。

请问超期扣款是什么意思啊? 农业银行每个月2113会扣一部分手续5261费,帐户余额没4102达到一定1653数额,它就会版每个月收取三元左权右的费用,而且它也是手年费的,如果你帐户一分钱没有了,或者很少,当他收你年费时,帐户不足,它会记着你欠款10元,当你把钱存进来的时候,系统会自动扣除10元。现在邮政银行也是这样的。下面是借记卡各项费用收费比较一览表http://finance.ce.cn/info/bank/200603/30/t20060330_6545945.shtml
