英语中的励志短语录有哪些 1 my life what can be left,just can't leave the platform.2 only know how to stop people know how to speed up.3 from the inferior intermediate to the confidence is real confidence,from the beginning of blind confidence people have no confidence.4 only two kinds of people that succeis inevitable.The first is a live the stern test,after the succeand failure of alternately and repeatedly,finally into Daqi.Another without life change radically,but in the technical aspects of reached the top.For example,a chemistry finally became world famous chemists,this is also the success.5 when you are on the horizon a grawhen,can't expect people to see you in the distance,even if they come from your side even from you stepped on,there is no way,because you are just a grass;and if you become a tree,even in the distant place,people will see you,and appreciate you,because you are a tree。6 if the girl because a boy student to marry him,this is a pretty girls;boys because of marrying her,is esthetic.7 。
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福州市蜗牛咖啡(snail cafe)怎么样?有什么好玩的地方? 很不错的咖啡吧,位于郎官巷一号二楼【蜗牛咖啡】沿街一楼门店是福建特产,咖啡店就在他们店楼上啦,后者走进郎官巷,有大红灯笼挂着“郎官1号”还有提示‘蜗牛咖啡二楼’的哦!才走上楼梯一半就看到店内的美女开好门等我们啦,店内布置的挺有意境,幽美环境,幽静舒适空间,很适合谈恋爱,太有FEEl了,坐在窗台座位边上还可以往外看到坊巷美景。饼干确实好吃,店员还多送了两块黄油曲奇,装花茶的壶杯干净剔透,花茶味道芬芳馥郁,下午茶一杯花茶,曲奇饼作伴,优雅大方的感受。小盆友发自内心的表达对这里的喜爱,这里环境太好了,我下次还要来这里。店员也是棒棒哒,难得三坊七巷内有如此优雅的咖啡吧,贵在幽静!五星好评,真没想到在南后街这样寸土寸金之处能有一家优雅的咖啡吧,位于郎官巷子内左侧第一家店,门口进去再上内左侧二楼。内有乾坤,原以为只是普通小店,却出乎意料外,店员热情,环境布置清新脱俗,明亮的二楼窗户边还可以看到南后街外景,特别感觉!店家自制饼干,口味多选,有一种偏硬口感饼干,带着花生味,蘸着花茶软化些许吃口感较为独特吃法。一壶花茶,一份饼干,轻松悠闲一下午,放松舒服啊!如果不是朋友带来,真不知道还有如此让我喜欢。