我想要一个背包翻译 你想要买一个背包还是一本字典.用英语怎么说


英语翻译 1.汤姆的字典在哪儿?Where is tom's dictionary?2.我的手表不在抽屉里.My watch is not in the drawer.3.她的双肩背包在椅子上吗?Is her backpack on the chair?4.我需要一个笔记本和一支铅笔,I need a notebook and a pencial.5.你可以把这些东西 带到学校来吗?Would you please take these things to school?

英语翻译 1 what color is your rule?it's blue.2 what's that in it's an orange.3 His bag is black.4 Good afternoon,glad to meet you.5 My shoes are red and write.6 Help me,thanks

英语翻译 In order to improve the level of spoken Bob join the Club.I paid 50 yuan for a backpack yestoday.When I am in trouble,I ask my headteacher for help.You need to go out for a walk.Excuse me,could you please tell me where should I park the car?What kind of food do you like?Sally spent 300 yuan for the wallet.Qingdao is a good place for family to take a vaction.Do you know how to get to the post office?如有问题欢迎追问~


