购物经常花费很多时间的英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译:每天骑自行车花费人们很多时间。 Riding bicycle kills a lot of our timeRiding bicycle is a time killer to most peopleWe waste too much time riding bicycles everyday选一个你喜欢的吧,能帮你我也很开心啊我们常常在英语学习上花费了很多时间用英语怎么说 We often spend much time in learning English.We often cost much time to learn English.We often spend much time on English.此为原创 绝对正确!英语翻译 1 Tom get dressed and went out of the room.2 Don't shout at the girl.3 Kate spent too much time listening to music.4 These people come from all over China5 The rest of the boys are all on the playground now,翻译(我沉迷于网上聊天,每天花费很多时间)为英语 I'm addicted to online chatting,spent a lot of time everyday.英语翻译 1、这项发明花费了他很多时间和金钱(cost)This invention costed him a lot of time and money.2、他的错误与他的粗心大意有很大关系(have.to do with)His mistakes have something to do with his carelessness.3、警察正在那个村庄搜寻失踪的小女孩(search.for.)The police are searching for the missing little girl in the village.4、看!那些孩子们正忙着在湖边植树(be busy)Check it out!Those children are busy planting trees near the lake.5、他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了(devote.to)He devotes all his time to working.用英语翻译一个简单的句子! 错了应该是 I spent much time writing the fiction.spend后加ing形式,这都不懂,误导人家英语翻译 1.她喜欢把一切都整理的很干净所以每天花费很多时间做家务.She likes tidying everything so she spends a lot of time on housework everyday.2.她的兴趣很广泛,她喜欢运动,养花,做菜和看电视,尤其最喜欢看电视.Sh.英文翻译:我上中学以前经常花费大量时间玩电脑游戏 i used to talk with my father and mother,but now i have to do my homework.我过去常常花费很多时间玩电脑游戏。。。翻译成英语。。。。还有当我到家时我会给你打电话的。。。 I used to spend too much time to play computer games.I will call you once I get home.英语翻译 我总是每天花费许多时间练习打网球.I always spend a lot of time playing tenese every day.2 这很棒因为它比乘公交车花更少的时间.It is wonderful because it takes less time than by bus.3.每逢周末我的家人会聚在一起开心的玩牌.Every weekend,my family will join together and play cards.学习如何烹饪时我的爱好.Learning how to cook is myhobby.吃太多的快餐对你的健康不利.It is bad for your health to eat too much fast food.梅梅是一个健康的女孩,她总是吃得很健康.Meimei is a healthy girl and she always eats healthily.我们可以读从图书馆借的任何书,并且甚至可以从家中把书和杂志带进来.We can read any books borrowed from the library,we can even take the books and magzine from home.读书周总是很短,因为我们还想读所有其他同学的书.Reading Week is always very short,because we want to read all our classmates’books_else_望及时采纳


