英语专业的做什么工作好? 我已经在上海教学一年了英文怎么说


2015年上海小学一年级有英语吗 上海作为2113我国教育最发达的直辖市之一,英语教5261育的历4102史长,教学条件先进,设施和师资力量1653强,义务教育阶段从小学一年级开始就开设有英语课。著名的上海外国语大学以及上海译文出版社所在地就在上海。上海地区选用的从小学一年级作为起始英语学习年级的课本举例如下:牛津上海版《小学英语》(上海教育出版社和牛津大学出版社合作出版)。

上海各区的教育质量分别怎么样? 想问一下上海各区的教育质量怎么样?一直听说徐汇区和杨浦区是教育大区,那别的区呢?有没有排名之类的标…

英语翻译 我们对物理越感兴趣,就越喜欢这门学科the…the…The interest we have in physics,the we like this subject.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易the…the…The earlier the problem is detected,the easier to solve it.上海人口比中国其他任何一个大城市多得多thanShanghai has a larger population than any other major city in China.我们学院新建的教学大楼很马路对面的邮电局一样高the same asThe new lecture building(teaching/classroom building)of our college is as high as the same with the Post Office across the street(road)我们将比计划花更少的钱完成这项工作evenWe even spend lesser money than the budget to complete this job./We will even spend less money compared to the plan to complete this work.我们学校图书馆的报纸杂志跟他们的一样多as…as…The newspapers and magazines in our school library are as many as they have.人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发现keep up withMany people found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the modern science's discovery./The people discovered that it is


