你好,谢谢你刚才的回答,但是那翻译还有许多,我刚才补充了,麻烦你帮忙翻译一下,谢谢啊~~~ During the 2008-2009 school year at the school in University City to buy clothes in a clothing store part-time job so I learned how to communicate better with people and service oriented reasoning2009-2010 school year,and other hotel staff did their spare time they work part-time food and beverage industry for me to have a preliminary understanding of operational processes2009,enrollment in this course during the summer experience helped me understand how to communicate better with people,how to sell your productThe summer of 2010 in a teacher education and training institutions have been any parents praise the work for me to have the spirit of resistance and suffering serious and responsible attitude towards work
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