青岛迎宾馆的英语 急急急!!!有谁知道沈阳三兴街迎宾馆在哪?请帮忙


青岛有哪些值得去的地方? 读大一,在市南区,初来乍到(其实来到青岛也已经半年了却一直没有好好欣赏感受这座城市),想周一到周五…

青岛城阳区春城路402号离流亭街迎宾路8。 你好,个人推荐打出租车比较经济方便快捷在二十分钟左右就可以到达机场

青岛英文介绍 青岛海滨风景名胜区西起团岛,东至大麦岛,全长25公里,海域面积5平方公里,陆地面积8.5平方公里,是国务院1982年公布的首批国家级风景区。景区内的栈桥、鲁迅公园、小青岛、小鱼山、八大关、海水浴场、五四广场等景点临海而立,均为青岛市的著名旅游风景点。步入景区,红瓦绿树,碧海蓝天,令人心旷神怡。The seaside resort of Qingdao extends from Tuandao in the west of Qingdao to Damaidao in the east with an overall length of 25 kilometers,including a marine area of 5 square kilometers and land area of 8.5 square kilometers.It is one of the first National Scenic Resorts appointed by the State Council in 1982.The scenery of the Zhanqiao Pier,Luxun Park,Little Qingdao Isle,Xiaoyu Hill,Badaguan,the seashore and the May Fourth Square are all beside the sea and constitute the famous scenic sights of Qingdao.Red roves and green trees,sapphire sea and blue sky in the scenic resort will make you feel happy and fresh.1.栈桥前海栈桥是青岛的象征,建于1891年,时为简易军用码头,几经重修,向游人开放。现桥长440。

