武器与人英文简介 武器装备英文怎么说?


邓稼先英文简介!! 邓稼先的英文简介:Born in Huaining County,Anhui Province on June 25,1924,he is a scholar's family.In 1935,he was admitted to Zhicheng middle school.During his study,he was deeply influenced by the patriotic salvation movement.After the fall of Peiping in 1937,he secretly attended the Anti Japanese party.Later,under the arrangement of his father Deng Yizhe,he went to Kunming with his elder sister and was admitted to the Department of physics of southwest United University in 1941.From 1948 to 1950,he studied in Purdue University and got his Ph.D.in physics.When he graduated,he resolutely returned home.Deng Jiaxian is the main organizer and leader of China's nuclear weapons research and development.Deng Jiaxian has always been in the front line of China's weapons manufacturing,led many scholars and technicians,successfully designed China's atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb,and led China's defense self-defense weapons to the advanced level in the world.He won the first prize of 。

希腊神话中所有人物的英文名以及简介 希腊神话中的人物介绍:1、地神该亚(Gaea):地神该亚又称大地之母,是希腊神话中最早出现的神,在开天辟地时,由混沌(Chaos)所生。该亚生了天空,天神乌拉诺斯,并与他结合生了六男六女,十二个泰坦巨神及三个独巨神和三个百臂巨神,是世界的开始。2、天神乌拉诺斯(Uranus):天神乌拉诺斯是地神该亚所生,后来又与该亚结合生下十二泰坦巨神。他是第一个统治宇宙的天神,后来被他和该亚所生的最小儿子克洛诺斯所推翻。3、泰坦巨神(Titans):泰坦巨神主要是指地神该亚和天神乌拉诺斯所生的六男六女,共十二个巨神。这些巨神彼此互相结合,生出最早的赫利俄斯(Helios;日)、塞勒涅(Selene;月)、厄俄斯(Eos;黎明)、阿斯特赖俄斯(Astraea;星辰)等许多神。4、天神克洛诺斯(Cronus):克洛诺斯是泰坦巨神,为该亚所生的最小的儿子,他后来推翻了他父亲乌拉诺斯,成为第二个统治全宇宙的天神。他与泰坦巨神瑞亚结合,生下三男三女,其中最小的是宙斯。5、泰坦女神瑞亚(Rhea):瑞亚是地神该亚与天神乌拉诺斯所生泰坦巨神之一。后与天神克洛诺斯结合,是宙斯、波塞冬、哈得斯、赫拉、得墨忒耳和赫斯提亚的母亲。6、普罗米修斯(Prometheus):传说普罗米修斯是创造人类。

求一篇武器装备的英文介绍 M82 Barrett Sniper RifleM82 巴雷2113特 狙击 步枪Barrett Firearms developed the M82 Barrett rifle.It has been deployed in many different units and armies all over the world.The M82 has a nickname known as the\"Light Fifty\"because of the 50.Calibers BMG(12.7mm)load.M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle Production HistoryThe founder of Barrett Firearms is Ronnie Barrett.The company was established for the sole purpose of creating weaponry,which would use the 50.BMG ammunition-developed for use in the M2 machine guns.The development of the Barrett started in the 1980s.The first ever-working Barrett rifle was ready for Military use in 1982,hence the weapon name M82.M82A1 Sniper RifleOver the years after the first M82 Barrett,the development of the effective and improved M82A1 rifle was in 1986.The real success of the rifle was the selling of around 110 M82A1 rifles to the Swedish Military in 1989.The M82A1 had massive success around 1990,when the United States Military brought 。


