噢 船长 我的船长出自那首诗 Captain。My CaptainWalt WhitmanOh Captain。My Captain。Our fearful trip is done,The ship has weather'd every rack,the prize we sought is won,The port is near,the bells I hear,the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel,the vessel grim and daring;But Oh heart。heart。heart。Oh the bleeding drops of red。Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.Oh Captain。my Captain。rise up and hear the bells;Rise up-for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores crowding,For you they call,the swaying mass,their eager faces turing;Here,Captain。dear father。This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deckYou've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer,his lips are pale and still,My father does not feel my arm,he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchor'd safe and sound,its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult,Oh shores。and ring,Oh bells。But I,。
从思想内容和艺术上分析古诗十九首“行行重行行”? 本篇选自《文选》。古诗,通常是指古代诗歌。汉人称《诗经》为古诗,南北朝人称汉魏诗为古诗。汉诗中有一部分无名氏作品,也许有五六十首,梁昭明太子萧统编《文选》,从其中选取了十九首,后人称之为《古诗十九首》。这些诗的写作时间和地点不一致,大约产生于东汉晚期。作者大概是一些失意的中下层知识分子,姓名已不可考。诗的内容主要是反应士子宦途失意,游子思乡以及思妇的怨情。诗的艺术价值很高,一方面继承了诗三百篇,另一方面又开创了建安魏晋五言诗的风气。后来的诗人多受其影响。钟嵘《诗品》评为“一字千金”,诚非过誉。《行行重行行》是《古诗十九首》的第一首,写的是思妇的离愁别恨。东汉末年,游宦之风极盛,读书人为了寻求出路,求取功名富贵,不得不背井离乡,四处奔走。当时政治异常黑暗,社会极为混乱,出身低下的知识分子,即使满腹经纶,也难于施展。在这种情况下,亲人远离的痛苦,就显得更为突出。所以,《古诗十九首》中以夫妻别离、互相思念为题材的作品占了很大比例,从一个侧面反映了当时社会状况,特别是下层知识分子的思想苦闷。编辑本段诗词原文 行行重行行(xíng xíng chóng xíng xíng)(无名氏)-《古诗十九首》行行重行行,与君生。
什么是卧轨自杀 躺在火车轨道上 1989年3月26日,山海关。静静的海子躺在铁轨上,在他的身上是打开的《圣经》。远方,火车呼啸而来,一代天才诗人由此走向了另一个世界。。