暮光之城1暮色内容简介 暮光之城暮色的简介


暮光之城的作者简介 斯蒂芬妮·梅尔出生于美国康涅狄格州,毕业于杨伯翰大学,主修英国文学。

暮光之城之暮色的英文简介 Bella is a unique girl,she does not love vanity,will not pursue the same fashion as the other girls,do not want to intentionally disguise themselves to the harmony does not come to good relations with students.For the sake of his mother remarried,Bella and her father moved to live with.In the new school,Bella met a boy named Edward,he had met with the owner of Bella are not the same,not only handsome,clever,humorous,and with Bella very common-the same loneliness.They quickly falling in love.But Edward's true identity is actually a vampire,since after 1918 he did not grow old before,he can empty-handed to stop a speeding car,run up faster than the lion,but unlike other vampires,Edward I and his The family chose a unique way of life,they do not drink human blood,eat the blood of living animals-known as vegetarians(because animal blood can provide nutrition,but will not allow them to eat).So,with the deepening of exchanges,as Bella and Edward too close to their own,have strong 。

《暮光之城》-暮色剧情简介? 贝拉将自己流放到了福克斯这个偏僻且终年阴雨的小镇上。她怎么也想不到,就是这个抉择,让她与他相遇在命运的十字路口。眼神交会的那一瞬,彼此之间已经明白,等待他们的,除了幸福的诱惑,还有危险的深渊。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,一起度过新鲜而刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。既然他拥有迷人的外表、超人的身体,又有看透人心的本领,那他究竟是何方神圣?而她只是一个天生运动神经差、皮肤苍白得像生病一样的普通女孩。相遇那年,他们都是十七岁。时间的轮盘对他是凝固的,对她却是飞速转动的。他的青春将永驻,她的青春终将腐朽,他们两人的世界,真的存在着交集吗?从亚当、夏娃偷食禁果开始,面对爱恨交织的欲望旋涡,人类总是无所适从。幸福缓慢地前进,波澜伺机而动。当一个脆弱的少女要融入一个非常人世界时,她所面对的危险,远比与善良的魔鬼接吻艰难得多。在经历了白天美好之后的暮色时分,这段跌宕起伏的冒险故事,此时才刚刚拉开序幕。


