恶魔 梦龙乐队的歌词 歌词 想无法的梦龙眼珠了我


求梦龙乐队的bettlecry中英文歌词,最好不要去网络上抄,自己翻译的更容易采纳 电影《变形金刚4》主题曲《BattleCry》演唱:ImagineDragons 歌词:。

有首英文歌,舒缓女声,歌词高潮是in my 什么 dreams find here now 你首先可以尝试在恩雅的歌曲里面去找,他的歌被评为天籁之音。且全部为舒缓女声,你可以尝试下Enya-Caribbean Blue或者may it be或者ONLY time只有这一点歌词我真只能想到。

梦龙乐队 warriors歌词翻译 As a child you would wait,and watch from far away.当你还是懵懂小孩e68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333335333737,常在远处观看比赛。But you always knew that you'd be the one work while they all play但你早已心怀期待,立志登上经济舞台。In youth,you'd lay-awake at night and scheme当你年少独自入睡,总在半夜突然醒来。Of all the things that you would change决心尽力改变一切,But it just a dream…梦想却总被现实主宰…(但那只是虚梦…)Here we are don't turn away,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town。我们建立这座城池,身披战铠!Here we are don't turn away,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town from dust…我们建立这座城池,身披战铠,满身尘埃…The time will come when you will have to rise当你已有实力问鼎,你的时代就会到来Above the best and prove yourself击败最强证明自己Your spirit never dies你的斗志永盛不衰Farewell,I' ve gone to take my throne above对着大众挥手作别,我已让出我的华盖But don't weep for。

#歌词 想无法的梦龙眼珠了我

