人人节约水是非常重要的翻译 很急,用英语表示节约用水的方法,(中文英文都要!)


保护水资源,人人有责! 用英文怎么翻译? 前面的句子有问题应该是Protecting the water resource is our duty.或者It's our duty to protecte the water resource.或者Our duty is protecting/(to protect)the water resource.

要一篇节约用水的英语日记,50字左右,带翻译,初二水平,写得好加20分 As I we all know,water is the source of the life.Water is a precious gift from God to nourish everthing in the world.We should be thankful instead of waste.What's water is not inexhaustible at all.Everyone must realize the importance of saving water.Don't abuse water and try your best to reuse water.No one can survive without water,so saving water is saving ourselves,otherwise the last drop of water will be our tear of regret.众所周知,水是生命之源。它是上苍恩赐与人类的珍贵礼物,滋养着万物。我们应该心存感恩而不浪费它。此外,水资源并非取之不尽,用之不竭的。每个人必须意识到节约用水的重要性。不要滥用水,竭尽所能循环用水。离开水,没人能生存。所以节约用水就是在救我们人类自己。否则世上最后一滴水会是人类悔恨的泪水。

求一篇关于保护水资源的英语作文,80词左右,附带翻译,谢谢 Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.And what shall we do?We can do like this:First we must prevent the factory from pouring waste water into the river Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.Many kinds of litter may pollute the environment.Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is.After doing these things,I think water will become cleaner sooner or later.水是对人类非常重要.但是现在许多河流和湖泊受到污染。而我们该怎么办?我们可以这样做:首先,我们必须防止工厂将污水倒入河流。其次,我们应该阻止人们把垃圾扔进河流.各种垃圾会污染环境。最后,我们可以告诉参观者,水是多么重要。做了这些事情后,我认为水将迟早变得更清洁。


