医学生不考研就业问题 我国大学毕业生就业难,越来越成为社会普遍关注的现象。


原文内容:“如今,有越来越多的大学生选择考研,关于考研,大家都有不同的看法,有人说考研好,能找到好工作,有人说不好,浪费时间和精力.那到底如何呢? Nowadays,there are and college studentschoose to grind,about to graduate,different people have different views,some people say that's good,can find a good job,some people say is not go.

英语作文之大学生就业问题 Today’s college students face choices unheard of years ago.Terms like two way selection,self-employment are not new to them.Many students swarm(蜂拥)into job market or look every talent fair(人才交流会)for potential employers.The concept of selling(推销)oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.Hunting a job is no small matter.Instead,it is probably one of the most,if not the most,important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime.Therefore,they are very serious and cautious when that time comes.It is something that the society has taught them.Now and students lose their jobs when they graduate from school.It's easy for some students to find work.But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don't want to do the job,they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it,but somebody is free with no job.As the job market gets shrinking,it has also become a 。

劳动力过剩是怎么产生的? 近年来,中国的高等院校毕业生有相当一部份人找不到工作.据政府公布的统计数据,2001年毕业的本科生一次就业率不到80%,专科生就业率不到30%,中专毕业生一般很难找到工作;2003年毕业的本科生一次就业率只有50%,206万大学毕业生中只有103万在毕业时找到了工作.同时,就业市场上大材小用、“人才高消费”现象却日益普遍.所谓的“人才高消费”是指企业雇用教育程度或技能水平较高的人来担任本来只需较低教育程度或技能的工作.当大量知识型劳动力过剩时,高质量劳动力和低质量劳动力之间的工资差距迅速缩小,企业可以用低工资雇佣高素质的劳动力从事简单型职务.在这种情况下,很多大学生转而追求更高的学历,“考研热”持续升温,报考研究生的人数连年创新高.2003年,政府为了缓解高校毕业生的就业压力、迟延毕业生就业的时间,决定研究生的招生规模再扩大30%.“知识型劳动力过剩”的结果是社会上出现了一种表面上看似乎是矛盾的现象:一方面,大学毕业生只能低就低层次、低工资的职位,中专生、专科生普遍受到冷落;另一方面,尽管高等院校的学费不断大幅度上涨,许多家庭仍然节衣缩食来支持子女上大学,子女们若不能获得大学以上的学历,几乎就很难有就业机会.产生此现象的直接原因是高等。


