假期小总结 同学们,愉快的假期结束了,相信你们在假期中与语文知识时刻在一起,你留心积累了吗? 假期收获:我在这个假期里通过做练习巩固了以前所学的知识,通过看书明白了许多道理、得到很多启发.在生活中,我从网上得到许多对我有益的知识.这个假期是我收获最多的一个假期,很快就要开学了,我在假期中所学到的知识一定会对我有所帮助的.
汉译英 正文:愉快的国庆节假期已经结束了,我一直期待着利用这个假 愉快2113的国庆节假期已经结束了,我一直期待着利5261用这个假期出去旅4102游,但实际上是我在电1653视机前游览了祖国的美景,因为外面的人太多了。翻译:Happy National Day holiday is over,I have been looking forward to the use of this holiday travel,but in fact,I was in front of the TV set to visit the beautiful scenery of the motherland,because there are too many people outside.
同学们,愉快的暑假就要结束了,你有什么难忘的事情吗,请用5-8句话来描述你的难忘假期.(用英语写) In this summer,I have spent a really nice time with my family.The most remarkable thing that we did in this summer was going to hike in an early morning in August.All members of my family joined the a.