说说你周末干什么吗用英语写一段话 用英语介绍你上个周末干了什么(用过去式?


根据下面的提示用英语写一段话谈谈你的周末计划要求语句通顺不少于6句话 I did a lot of things last weekend.I wanted to help my parents when I have time.I helped my mom cooking dinner.I also helped my dad washing his car.Then I watered the flowers.I also helped my grandfather reading newspapers because his doesn't have good eyesight.I also helped my mom carrying bags when she did grocery shopping.

英语作文(谈谈你在这个周末干什么)怎么写 On weekend I plan to take a journey.Those day,my mother is busy for her job.So i have to take care myself.I will have a travel resently.But without her help,i have to do it all myself.Following here not,i think i could do it well.here is the note's contend.The student card is under book.The book is on the desk.Two disks is on the sofa.Ther is a video record on the dresser.The alarm clock and baseball is in my bag.

用一般过去式写你周末在干什么英语 不是太明白I had a wonderful weekend last week.I went for a picnic with my classmates in the afternoon.We had much food to eat,chicken,fish,eggs,and milk.We sang。


