呼啸山庄读书笔记摘抄 读书笔记是对于文章或者小说,读完之后的一种感悟,或者是对于原文的中经典句子的摘抄。读书笔记与读后感类似。yuwenmi小编整理了相关的范文,快来看看吧,希望对你有帮助急!!!求《呼啸山庄》阅读笔记!好句五句左右,后加赏析,感想200字左右,还要有内容概括200字左右 (一)温和慷慨的人不过比傲慢霸道的人自私得稍微公平一点罢了,等到种种情况使得两个人都感觉到一方的利益并不是对方思想中主要关心的事物的时候,幸福就完结了。(二)在这个世界上,我的最大的悲痛就是希刺克厉夫的悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意并且互相感受到了。在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。我不会像是它的一部分。我对林敦的爱像是树林中的叶子:我完全晓得,在冬天变化树木的时候,时光便会变化叶子。我对希刺克厉夫的爱恰似下面的恒久不变的岩石:虽然看起来它给你的愉快并不多,可是这点愉快却是必需的。耐莉,我就是希刺克厉夫!他永远永远地在我心里。他并不是作为一种乐趣,并不见得比我对我自己还更有趣些,却是作为我自己本身而存在。(三)凯瑟琳,你知道我只要活着就不会忘掉你!当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗?(四)你现在才使我明白你曾经多么残酷—残酷又虚伪。你过去为什么瞧不起我呢?你为什么欺骗你自己的心呢,凯蒂?我没有一句安慰的话。这是你呼啸山庄的好词好句好段 (一)温和慷慨的人不过比傲慢霸道的人自私得稍微公平一点罢了,等到种种情况使得两个人都感觉到一方的利益并不是对方思想中主要关心的事物的时候,幸福就完结了。(二)在这个世界上,我的最大的悲痛就是希刺克厉夫的悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意并且互相感受到了。在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。我不会像是它的一部分。我对林敦的爱像是树林中的叶子:我完全晓得,在冬天变化树木的时候,时光便会变化叶子。我对希刺克厉夫的爱恰似下面的恒久不变的岩石:虽然看起来它给你的愉快并不多,可是这点愉快却是必需的。耐莉,我就是希刺克厉夫!他永远永远地在我心里。他并不是作为一种乐趣,并不见得比我对我自己还更有趣些,却是作为我自己本身而存在。(三)凯瑟琳,你知道我只要活着就不会忘掉你!当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗?(四)你现在才使我明白你曾经多么残酷—残酷又虚伪。你过去为什么瞧不起我呢?你为什么欺骗你自己的心呢,凯蒂?我没有一句安慰的话。这是你呼啸山庄的英语读书笔记 The housekeeper Ellen Dean,or we can call her Nelly,tells most of the story.She witnesses the life of the three-generations in the two families.She is a good storyteller but we mustn’t believe all of what she said.She always thinks and considers things in a simple way.She couldn’t understand the deep love between Catherine and Heathcliff.She thinks it is a kind of madness.She is a limited narrator.In a certain way,this helps readers to understand Heathcliff better because he has no chance to defend himself.An outsider will see the whole thing clearly.However,we should pay attention not to be affect by her opinions and try to find the truth between the lines.As a main character Catherine is a paradox.She is attracted by Linton but doesn’t love him.She knows that clearly but she marries Linton without listening to the call of her heart.Many critics believe that what makes her marry Linton is only his high social status and wealth.I think this comment is unfair.In fact,she 求《呼啸山庄》读书笔记摘抄原文十处以上 丶等时光 LV.1 2017-11-25 关注 如果你还在这个世界上存在着,那么这个世界无论怎么样,对我都是有意义的;但是如果你不在了,无论这个世界多美好,他在我眼里也只是一片急求一篇500词《呼啸山庄》的读书笔记,英文! Wuthering HeightsThe book Wuthering Heights told us a story about love and revenge:the abandoned boy Heathdiff was adopted by Mr Eamshaw and lived with Mr Earnshaw’s son Hindley and daughter Cathiner.Hindley disliked Heathdiff.He insulted and maltreated Heathdiff in every possible way after Mr Earnshaw’s death.At the same time,peculiar emotion occurred between Cathiners and Heathdiff.Because of vanity and ignorance,Cathiner decided to mary Linton.Heathdiff left with anger.Three years later,Heathdiff returned to revenge.He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindley’s and the Linton’s.However,Cathiner’s ghost pestered him all the time,and he died in mental disorder.To understand Wuthering Heights,you must know the auther Amily well.She had been abnormal in inentality ever since her childhood.Her sister Charlotte had once said that Amily was even stronger than a man in character,and simple than a child.He name Heathdiff was compounded by the words Heath and 呼啸山庄英语读后感 The fascinating author of the novel take the reader to the wonderful land surrounding the Wuthering Heights through non-linear narration.Characters disappears,new faces shows up,circumstances tides up an down,lives toss around but,the basic emotion remain static:the violent passion as represented by the never changing stormy climate at Wuthering Heights.The life at Wuthering Heights opens up before the reader through third person narratives.The novel begins at the end of 1803,when the tenant Mr Lockwood of Thrushcross Grange,visits his landlord Heathcliff at Wuthering Heights.Lockwood has to stay back with the unwelcoming family of landlord due to the storm outside.At night he experiences a terrifying dream:the ghost of Catherine Linton,pleading to be admitted to the house from outside.Intrigued,Lockwood asks the housekeeper Nelly Dean to tell the story of Heathcliff and Wuthering HeightsThe novel leaves the reader awestruck for its wonderful imagination and powerful statements.Emily呼啸山庄是享誉世界的经典名著,下面就是小编为您收集整理的呼啸山庄好词好句好段的相关文章,希望可以帮到您,如果你觉得不错的话可以分享给更多小伙伴哦!请给我《呼啸山庄》的精彩片段摘抄+这一段的点评(是点评,不是读后感,一共600字左右) 如果你还在这个世界上存在着,那么这个世界无论怎么样,对我都是有意义的;但是如果你不在了,无论这个 世界多美好,他在我眼里也只 是一片荒漠,而我就象一个孤 魂野鬼-你有理由怀着一颗骄 傲的心而腹中空空的去睡觉.骄傲的人自讨苦吃,然而,如 果你为自己的心胸狭窄感到内 心不安的话,那么,你就必须 请求宽恕.-我很想驻留在那个光 辉灿烂的世界去,永远没有烦 恼,不是以朦胧的泪眼去看 它,也不是以痛苦的心情去追 求它,而是真正的和它在一 起,在它之中.-你爱我—那么有什 么理由要离开我?什么理由—回答我—是因为你对林 顿怀有一种不切实际的怜爱 因为苦难,屈辱,死亡,以及上帝魔鬼所能降罪于我们 的一切都休想使我们分开,而 你,出于你的一厢情愿,却这 么做了.不是我伤透你的心—是你使自己心碎.你使自 己心碎,也使我心碎,这样对 我打击更重,因为我很坚强.我想活下去吗?那会是什么样 的生活呀.如果你—啊,上 帝!如果你芳魂已经埋入坟 墓,你还想活吗?时间的流逝给他带来 的是对命运的屈从和一种比寻 常的欢乐更甜美的沉思.-在这个世界上,我的 最大的悲痛就是希斯克厉夫的 悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意 并且感受到了,在我的生活 中,他是我思想的中心.如果 别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留 急求英文<呼啸山庄>读书笔记2000字左右 Based on the classic text of Emily Bronte,this incarnation of Wuthering Heights sets up the all-engulfing tragedy beautifully.Since its setting,the windswept Yorkshire moors,is a desolate place at the height of summer,having to fight your way through the teeth of a snowstorm is not for the faint of heart.This is the mistake made by Lockwood(Miles Mander),a temporary resident.Seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights,finding the atmosphere within just as icy.The master of the house,Heathcliff(Laurence Olivier),reluctantly provides a bed but seems ill at ease with his visitor.There's a sad tale behind his indifference,one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean(Flora Robson)is happy to share.Forty years ago Wuthering Heights was filled with light,warmth and happiness.Mr.Earnshaw(Cecil Kellaway),a congenial gentleman farmer,lives happily with his boisterous children Cathy(Sarita Wooten)and Hindley(Douglas Scott).However,being a kind and generous
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