爱跑步尤其是长跑的人都是什么个性 有耐心的人喜欢长跑翻译


英语翻译 I like watching sports games,such as running,diving,gymnastics,swimming.At the same time,I like mountain climbing,long-distance running,badminton,rowing.as well as swimming,tennis,squash and indoor rock climbing,despite the fact that I am not very skilled.I will be interested to try those novel and safe sports if there is an opptunity,though I am not a bold person.I am also interested in raising small animals and planting vegetables and fruits at home,because I like to get close to the nature.I even planted a small watermelon in a pot with some watermelon seeds once,though it's just a fist-sized one.Do you raise any pets or plant vegetables in your house?It is good for your health if you get a view of green when opening the windows.How many family memebers do you have?Are you living with your family now?I wish you a happy new year。

爱跑步尤其是长跑的人都是什么个性 坚毅!没有跑步习惯的人会觉得跑步很累,跑几分钟就坚持不下去了,但是跑步就是和自己的对抗,和自己的懒惰对抗。长跑不仅是对体力的考验,更多的是毅力的考验。能坚持长期跑下来的人,精神状态非常好!非常有活力!给人阳光、积极向上的印象。而经常跑马拉松的人,你看一看他们跑步时候的眼神,非常沉稳、坚毅,直射前方,那种魅力让你会不自觉想跟着他跑起来。比普通人更有耐性,做事都有一种持之以恒的坚持。对于事事只有三分钟热度的人来说,坚持长跑的人简直像神一般的存在。

英语翻译 So here today I'm gonna share one of my little stories with you.I love sports,including running.I went for a run the other night.The whole street was very quiet with no cars or people because it was night.I felt that the world was so different from day to night.Right there,I only got a quite,dark and endless road to keep my company.There were so many feelings that I can't tell.All those fearful,exciting,longly,and magic feelings were mixed.It was wonderful.I would say I really like sports,but I'm not a boy who only do the running and jogging all the time.可以根据自己的需要加点口头语,过渡语什么的,词都比较简单,祝明天顺利~


