什么是气源调节装置 气源装置有哪些元件组成


气压传动系统中的气源装置主要由哪几部分组成?它们各起什么作用? 最常见的有空气过滤器、油雾气、调压阀三部分组成.空气过滤器是将空气当中的杂质过滤干净,起到清洁空气的作用.油雾气主要是起润滑作用.油雾气可以提高气缸的使用寿命.调压阀起到调节压力和稳压的作用.以上回答希望你能喜欢.

气动调节阀的辅助装置有哪些?各起什么作用? 气动调节器的辅助装置有2113如下一些:5261i.阀门定位器—包括4102电气阀门1653定位器和气动阀门定位器,用于改善调节阀的工作特性,实现正确定位。ii.阀位开关—显示调节阀上、下限的行程工作位置。iii.气动保位阀—气源故障时,保持阀门当时位置。iv.三通、四通电磁阀—实现气路的自动切换。v.手轮机构—系统故障时,可切换进行手动操作。vi.气动继动器—使执行机构动作加快,减少传递时间。vii.空气过滤减压阀—作为气源净化、调压之用。viii.贮气罐—气源故障时,由它取代,使阀能继续工作。

汉译英 我把分全压上了 The air compressor is mad in the source installment the main body,it is transforms prime mover's mechanical energy the gas pressure energy the installment,is the compressed air barometric pressure has the installment.Air compressor's type are many,may divide into the volume type compressor according to the principle of work,reciprocating compressor,the centrifugal gas compressor,air compressor's for volume type compressor in L which this time designs.The volume type compressor's principle of work is the pressure gas volume,makes in the unit volume the gas member density to increase enhances the compressed air the pressure.The article mainly introduced compressor's gross structure design,thermodynamics computation,dynamics computation,air valve's design calculation and the air displacement adjustment design.And gross structure choice including machine pattern choice,motion structure and choice,enumeration definite and all levels of air cylinder's in row arrangement,compressor rotation 。


