我刚接到力达集团的电话说我中了二等奖,要身份证号和帐户号,请问可信吗?速回急需!!! 当然不能信的罗,现在这种短信诈骗实在是太多了,有很多很多人都吃了这个亏,你可要吸取教训啊。世上没有这么好的事情,短信诈骗的概率实在是太高了。但如果你觉得可信,你也可以打电话问一下,确认一下。但这样其实也不安全,可能他们会给你一个另外的号码,但其实还是同一伙人搞的烟雾弹。安全起见,还是谨慎一点的好。
请帮我翻译一段话! 很急!!! 谢谢拉~~ From the Group Leader for the development and production of automatic fire warning system based professional firms,the development of an integrated development of the productive capacity of the company.Leader Group currently has six professional companies and an investment company,they cover a fire system,building robotic systems,Anfang systems,fire emergency power,City Fire systems and networking system among the design,development and production,while Leader Group also has a strong distribution network,than 30 provinces and cities throughout the country and Southeast Asia,the Middle East,than 20 countries and regions.Leader Group,not only in production,the rapid development of scientific research have,while in the area of systems integration have brilliant performance.Leader Group will be powerful strength for the community to provide comprehensive and outstanding services
德丰利达集团的《铁血将军》开播了吗? 马上央视也要播出该剧了。由德丰利达投拍、著名演员侯勇担纲主演的抗战剧《铁血将军》已于6月30日在湖南潇湘电影频道首播。。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号