永不退缩3 英文台词 她在困难面前永不退缩,这应该得到我们的赞扬和尊敬.翻译成英文.(主语从句)


“永不退缩”用英文怎样翻译 永不退缩 never flinchflinch:v.畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾在困难面前我们决不退缩:We never flinch from difficulties.我在困难面前从不畏缩.I never flinch from difficulty.

永不退缩用英语缩写怎么说 never give up 0 never back off/never retreat 都可以。此回答由管理员 推荐为最佳回答。资讯 网页 问答 视频 图片 良医 地图 文库 英文 。

“永不退缩”怎么汉译英? 英文为:Never back down造句:1、You have to make everyone agree with what you have to say,so you never back down.你要让每个人都同意你所说的,所以你从来不会让步。2、Mother,one never to back down from a fight,looked him in the eye and said,\"I'm sorry,but I can't throw that far。我母亲,一位从来也不会在斗争中退缩的人,瞪着他说道:“很抱歉,可我没法扔那么远!3、I've never seen our paper back down from a story.我从未见过我们的报纸放弃过一次报道。4、Never,ever,back down on your vision of the project schedule or plan.永远不要推翻你制定的项目进度表或计划。5、Moreover,such was his faith in his destiny and four deuces that he never for a moment wondered just how the money would be paid back should a higher hand be laid down across the table.况且,他是那样相信自己的命运和手中的那几张牌,所以从来就不考虑:要是桌子对面放在是一手更高的牌呢,那他将怎样偿还这笔钱呀?6、It might have been better if we had never gotten this far,but we are here and consequently it cannot be the objective 。

#永不退缩3 英文台词#永不退缩3 电影国语#永不退缩2018 插曲#血与骨2 永不退缩#永不退缩2 火爆对决

